Tuesday, November 10, 2009

While having the time of my life exploring France, I have also been dealing with being sick for a little over three weeks now. For a while I was pretty convinced I had the pig flu, excusez-moi "H1 N1," but that didn't end up being the case. Instead the doctor told me it was just a long lasting cold giving me all sorts of unpleasant symptoms. Oh yes, I did indeed visit a French doctor. His name was Dr. English and surprisingly he did speak a few words of English. Visits to a doctor here are pretty interesting. To start, a doctor's office can appear on any random street you are on and it may just look like a house or apartment building. When I reached the door of the building I had to buzz the doctor's office to open the door. Someone answered and had me state my name and why I was there, in order to let me in. I thought that it might be slightly obvious why I was there but I answered her questions and was allowed inside. The office had a secretary next to the door, although I couldn't figure out her purpose. Dr. English seemed to do everything himself. He led me into the examining room, which also happened to be his office. Even during the middle of my exam, he answered his own phone, took apointments and even handled the payment (cash only). He acted like a little, old grandpa and was very nice. He wasn't rushed at all and was very patient when I slowly described my symptoms. This was a whole different experience. I had someone with me to translate, which was very nice, but did I understand most of what he was saying I was sick with. I did not, however, expect to be sent away with three prescriptions. I am feeling much better now and although my experience at the doctor's office was interesting, I hope it will be my last while I am here.

I'm on vacation now with three days off from school this week. Wahoo! London, here I come!

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